Home Sleep Wellness Should you let your pets sleep with you?

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2 December 2022

Should you let your pets sleep with you?

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We get it, pets are just so cute and cuddly and sleeping with them sounds extremely appealing. However, your pet’s urge to play with you and their hyper alertness to every noise are just some of the reasons why you may wish to avoid having them in your bed at night. In this guide, we discuss the pros and cons of having four-legged friends in bed with us, and the effects it has on our health, whether good or bad.

Sleeping with pets: The pros and cons

Benefits of sleeping with pets 

The pros of sleeping with pets include a decrease in insomnia and an improvement in sleep quality by providing a sense of security and comfort for those of us who don’t have human sleep partners. A 2018 study on women’s sleep quality found that dogs who slept with their owners were less of a disturbance to their sleep quality and instilled a strong sense of security and comfort in their owner. 

Similarly, another study conducted by the National Library of Medicine found that sleeping with pets or interacting regularly with them can increase social interaction in a person’s life, and it can also improve their mental health. It’s no surprise that animals are used in a number of therapy techniques, as they can be great support for people who are lonely or suffer from certain mental health conditions. 

Drawbacks of sleeping with pets

Although appealing and comforting, sleeping with pets can actually be bad for your sleep. Animals like cats, who are crepuscular (meaning they are most active at dusk and dawn), are usually active during the night, and therefore would be difficult sleeping partners. 

Things like stray fur and pet dander can also cause a flare up of allergies in people who are particularly susceptible, like asthma or hayfever sufferers. Pets can also spread germs through licking your face or body at night, which, while rare, can cause disease or illness. 

Why do pets like to sleep with you?

It’s known that sleeping with pets can offer many mental and emotional benefits for us, but it can also benefit the pet too. With dogs, they may enjoy sleeping with you as it helps them to feel loved and safe. Your dog considers you as part of its pack, so allowing them to feel safe and comfortable has strong emotional benefits for the dog. Sleeping with your dog allows it to form a strong attachment with you, and therefore benefits its sleep when it chooses to sleep in your bed.

When cats choose to sleep with you, they feel the same territorial feeling that dogs get over you. So for them, deciding to sleep with you may be an indication that they trust you or that you’re theirs. A cat choosing to sleep with you may be their way of showing affection and love towards you. 

Tips for sleeping with pets 

If you plan on allowing your pet into your bed for the first time, there are several things you can do to allow it to go as smoothly as possible:

  • Take your dog for a walk at night to tire them out.

  • Establish boundaries and dominance about sleeping arrangements.

  • Train them to wait to be allowed on the bed.

  • If your pet acts up or acts aggressively, remove them from the bed. 

  • Make sure your pet is clean. 

  • Regularly change bedding to get rid of hairs or pet dander. 

  • Make sure you take your pet for regular vet trips to get them checked and vaccinated to prevent transmission of certain diseases or bacteria to you.

More from Sunrise by Emma 

We’ve got you covered for all your sleep health and wellness queries, and with tips on how to awaken your best. Head over to the main Emma Sleep website for high-quality and highly regarded sleep products like our signature memory foam mattress, pillows and other sleeping accessories, as well as reviews on brand new sleep products to help you decide which one is right for you.

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