Home Sleep Wellness New Year’s sleep resolutions for 2023

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12 December 2022

New Year’s sleep resolutions for 2023

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New Year's resolutions are often fun to come up with and may involve goals of eating healthier, working out more, or improving productivity, to name a few. However, it’s quite common for sleep-related New Year’s resolutions to be left out of the consideration, despite the number of benefits they could bring. 

We at Sunrise by Emma recommend taking steps to improve your sleep for 2023, whether that involves trying out a new sleep routine, improving your bedroom set-up, seeking sleep therapy, or just making sure you get the right amount of sleep each night. Each step you take will have benefits on your sleep and could help you to awaken your best and enjoy a better quality sleep for 2023.

How can I get better sleep in 2023?

Here we discuss our recommended ideas for New Year’s sleep resolutions, as well as important information on sleep aiding foods and products. Choosing to eat healthily or working out regularly (both of which seem to be popular New Year’s resolutions) can improve your sleep, but there are more specific things you can do to feel in control of your sleep-wake cycle in the new year.

Rectify any problems

Getting better sleep is not as simple as establishing a new sleep schedule or going to bed earlier. If you suffer from insomnia or another sleep related issue, such as night terrors, it may be harder to enforce this new resolution. You should make it your first priority and goal to address any sleep-related conditions where possible  in order to improve your relationship with sleep.

You can seek treatment by speaking with a medical professional or sleep expert in order to get the best possible advice to address these issues. There are therapy treatments available, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, which involve various methods designed to  evaluate your sleep quality and make improvements over time. These therapies are beneficial for insomnia sufferers, but they can also help to combat night terrors and nightmares if the cause is trauma related.

Take care of yourself

Taking better care of yourself can, in turn, allow you to sleep better, as well as improve your overall health and wellness. You should make it a priority to rid yourself of any stress inducers which could contribute to inadequate sleep, such as a poor work-life balance or personal life difficulties. Sufficient exposure to sunlight can also help keep your body clock in check and retune your circadian rhythm. According to the National Library of Medicine, exposure to sunlight not only improves the quality of life, it also improves your sleep quality and patterns. 

Create a strict sleep schedule

Unfortunately, sleeping well isn’t achieved simply by resting your head on your pillow and closing your eyes. You need to train your body to feel tired when you want to sleep, which can be achieved by setting up a strict sleep-wake schedule that should be followed daily, even at weekends. Your body will eventually adjust and you’ll be able to sleep accordingly. 

A study by BMC Public Health found that people with an irregular sleep schedule suffered from negative daytime functioning and poorer sleep quality than those who had a regular and consistent sleep schedule. 

Eat foods rich in tryptophan 

Researching and stocking up on the best foods to help you sleep better may be beneficial for you if you’re searching for a particular diet or food that can help with your sleeping. Tryptophan converts into serotonin and melatonin, both of which do wonders for your sleep-wake cycle and your body. This is a great way to fulfil both resolutions of eating healthy and sorting your sleep schedule at the same time. Talk about productivity! Some examples of tryptophan-rich foods include chicken, oats, tuna and cheese.

Ditch the electronics before bed

We all know that staring at your phone screen and its blue light is very appealing, however, using your phone before bed can have a damaging effect on your sleep quality and can strain your eyes, especially if you use it in the dark.

Make sure you set up a consistent wind-down routine that involves using your phone for the last time an hour or so before bed, and using that time to read a book or have a relaxing bath instead. You’ll begin to notice a difference in your sleep quality once you start taking measures to improve your sleep. 

How to maintain sleep resolutions throughout 2023 

We understand that trying to maintain a strict schedule, eating healthily, and getting 8 hours of sleep every night is not always possible, so how do you stop yourself from falling back into old habits and having your sleep schedule negatively impacted? 

Make sure to catch up on sleep when you can

If you work a job or live a lifestyle where your sleep routine is easily affected, you should take time to catch up on any sleep where you can. In fact, napping is beneficial for many areas of your life and it can have a positive effect on your memory, daily functioning, mood and performance. 

Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself

If you set unrealistic or impractical goals or resolutions, they can be a lot harder to achieve and maintain. It’s good to remember that while sleep resolutions are easily achievable, it’s important to not expect too much too soon, especially if you’re seeking therapy or treatment for issues like insomnia or nightmares caused by trauma.

Sometimes, results take a while to show or habits take a while to break, so have patience and don’t be disheartened if you don’t immediately sleep better upon deciding to set a bedtime schedule. If the goals you set for yourself seem too big and unattainable, divide them into subgoals. This will give you more control over them, and you will be able to notice changes more quickly.

Don’t be hard on yourself

If you don’t sleep well for a couple of nights, or you extend your cheat day to the entire weekend, don’t be angry at yourself. Of course it’s good to try and maintain whatever resolution you have decided on, but it’s not the end of the world if you go off-piste, especially if you’re in a situation where things like healthy food and 8 hours of sleep aren’t readily available. 

More from Sunrise by Emma

We’ve got you covered this New Year period with our array of sleep products to help you awaken your best and re-define your life ready for 2023. Visit the main Emma website to find luxury memory foam mattresses, pillows, and other sleep accessories that would be the perfect purchase for anyone thinking about setting some New Year’s sleep resolutions.

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Exercise in general is incredibly beneficial for you,as it can help reduce fatigue, while increasing energy levels and cognitive function. It can also increase oxygen levels to your brain, helping you to awaken in a more natural way than your daily coffee order. Exercising can help to promote the release of endorphins, which can help improve your mood and generate a sense of wellbeing and good health. Getting sunlight early in the morning is also proven to help improve your sleep-wake cycle. Getting outside for an hour or so each morning, either for a run or a walk, can also inspire and encourage you to eat healthier and increase motivation.

7 physical activities to rejuvenate your mornings

Exercise in general is incredibly beneficial for you,as it can help reduce fatigue, while increasing energy levels and cognitive function. It can also increase oxygen levels to your brain, helping you to awaken in a more natural way than your daily coffee order. Exercising can help to promote the release of endorphins, which can help improve your mood and generate a sense of wellbeing and good health. Getting sunlight early in the morning is also proven to help improve your sleep-wake cycle. Getting outside for an hour or so each morning, either for a run or a walk, can also inspire and encourage you to eat healthier and increase motivation.