Home Sleep Wellness How to warm your bedroom this winter

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11 November 2022

How to warm your bedroom this winter

#sleep wellness #sleep habits #energy crisis #make my bedroom warm

The warm summer nights have come to an end and it is time for us to attempt to battle the  cold winter evenings. Keeping your bedroom warm this winter will unfortunately be more difficult than ever due to the increase in energy costs in the UK.

The major factor that will affect our energy cost is how often we rely on our boiler and central heating system to keep us warm. If used less, it will save us a lot of money on our energy bills. There are other methods that we can use to keep our homes and bedrooms warm and cosy during these winter months so that we do not have to rely on using more energy than required. 

In this guide, we run through some of the ways to keep your bedroom warm during the current UK energy crisis without spending too much money on gas and electricity bills.

Ways to warm up your bedroom

There are numerous ways to avoid the cold temperature during the winter months. Here are some tips to help achieve a warmer bedroom:

Seal up cracks and crevices

Any small cracks or crevices in your bedroom walls can lead to cold air being able to enter and flow around the room. This can happen no matter how small the cracks may be. For hairline cracks, a ready to use plaster filler can do the trick and you can find this product readily available in many local and nationwide DIY stores. Deeper cracks require more time and materials to fix, so you may wish to consult a professional before taking this task on yourself, especially if you’re a novice. 

Invest in thick curtains

The purchase of curtains is usually done to keep out light. However, if you have thick curtains in place, it can also keep your room warmer and not allow the cold to enter. When curtains are closed, it traps the warm air inside, and thicker curtains do a much better job at this.

Close doors

Keeping the doors closed to an unused room will prevent the cold air from leaving that room and travelling throughout the house. You can then contain the heat in your bedroom by keeping your door shut, as it will stop warm air from leaving and will prevent cold air from entering.

Consider your flooring

It has been proven that homes without carpets will feel colder than houses that are filled with carpets. Laying down a thick area rug during the cold months will help insulate your bedroom, and will feel much warmer than laminate flooring when you get out of bed. A faux sheepskin rug is recommended, but any rug will do the job.

Use timers on your central heating system

It has been recommended by the Centre for Sustainable Energy to programme your heating system by turning it on earlier at a lower temperature. Doing this will make you feel a lot warmer when you wake up in the morning. This will work out cheaper than turning it on at a higher temperature when you feel like you need it. However, it is important to ensure that you do not accidentally keep your heating low all day. 

Maximise insulation

Around 25% of heat is lost through the roof. Installing 25cm of insulation throughout your home will keep your bedroom warm and keep out unnecessary cold air. It may not be cheap to install this, but having this insulation can save up to £160 a year in heating bills. You can even get cheaper or free insulation if your energy supplier has an insulation scheme running. 

Use a better quality duvet

During the winter months, it is beneficial to invest in a better quality duvet to keep yourself warm. The higher the quality, the less likely it is for cold air to pass through, and your body heat will then be able to keep you warmer than using a central heating system. Higher tog level duvets are best for winter nights and those who have difficulty keeping warm during the cold seasons. A tog level of 13.5 to 15 is excellent for insulation and responds well to your body’s temperature to keep you warm and cosy.

Alternatively, an extra blanket or duvet could be used to add another layer of warmth to your bed. We recommend the Emma Cloud Duvet as the perfect duvet for the job. 

What’s the ideal bedroom temperature for sleep?

According to sleep experts, the best sleeping temperature is around 16-19 degrees Celsius. If you attempt to sleep in a cold room, it will be much more difficult to drift off and it could increase the chances of you waking up during the night. 

On the other hand, if your bedroom is too hot, it can also negatively affect your sleep. That is why it is important to stabilise the temperature in your bedroom to make it warm and cosy for sleep. 

More from Sunrise by Emma

You can find more tips on keeping your bedroom at the best quality for sleep and more sleep-related articles that offer tips and advice on sleep health and sleep wellness on our website. You can also see recommended sleep products that will aid your sleep. 

To find more about us and our message, see our about us page for general information about the site. 

Also, head over to Emma Sleep for research-backed sleep products that ensure a good night’s sleep, such as special mattresses, pillows and weighted blankets.

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What is Restless Leg Syndrome?

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