Home Sleep Wellness How the world naps

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28 April 2022

How the world naps

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Doing a power nap can have an energizing effect and, even though there are global “best practices” to make the best out of this brief period of sleep during the day, there are different napping habits around the world.

The Spanish Siesta

A siesta is a Mediterranean practice of napping in the middle of the day. The word "siesta" is a Spanish term derived from the Latin phrase "hora sexta," meaning "the sixth hour", referring to a six-hour midday nap. The siesta, which is most closely connected with Spanish culture, occurs in the afternoon. The actual time of day varies by location, but between 2 and 5 p.m. is the most popular siesta time.

In Spanish culture and other regions of Southern Europe, the siesta performs various vital functions. A siesta allows you to take a break and rest during the warmest part of the day in the warm Mediterranean climate.

The Japanese Inemuri

Adults in Japan sleep less per night than people in practically any other country, due to a strong culture surrounding work and school. The Japanese have created a napping technique known as "inemuri," which roughly translates to "being present while sleeping."

Inemuri is distinct from siesta, which occurs in the early afternoon. The goal of inemuri is to sleep for a few minutes whenever and wherever you can.

The Scandinavian Winter Nap

Norway, Denmark, and Finland have mastered the art of napping by utilising the strength of their freezing winters. Even in sub-zero conditions, it is customary for parents to leave their newborns and young children outside for a routine nap in these countries. Sleeping outside in the winter, according to Nordic parents, helps young children adjust to the harsh cold.

No matter where you are, find out more if napping is good for you and what are the four tips our sleep experts suggest for you to have a really rejuvenating nap in our website.

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The benefits of napping

A nap is a brief period of sleep that occurs throughout the day. Many people swear by naps as a great way to unwind and refresh, while others find them to be ineffective and disrupting to their sleep. You can discover how to take healthy naps that support your body's internal clock and preserve your energy level during the day by understanding the role of napping.

The benefits of napping

A nap is a brief period of sleep that occurs throughout the day. Many people swear by naps as a great way to unwind and refresh, while others find them to be ineffective and disrupting to their sleep. You can discover how to take healthy naps that support your body's internal clock and preserve your energy level during the day by understanding the role of napping.

The Physical Impact of Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep and physical health have complex interconnections - whilst some people might need 6 hours of sleep to function normally, others may need far more. When you get less sleep than your body is used to or requires, then even an hour out of your regular sleep cycle can affect your routine. This guide aims to explore and explain recent data and studies supporting the physical effects of lack of sleep.  

The Physical Impact of Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep and physical health have complex interconnections - whilst some people might need 6 hours of sleep to function normally, others may need far more. When you get less sleep than your body is used to or requires, then even an hour out of your regular sleep cycle can affect your routine. This guide aims to explore and explain recent data and studies supporting the physical effects of lack of sleep.  

How does sleep happen?

Sleep is controlled by two major factors: sleep-wake homeostasis and the circadian alerting system.

How does sleep happen?

Sleep is controlled by two major factors: sleep-wake homeostasis and the circadian alerting system.

What happens to the body during REM sleep?

REM sleep is when we are most likely to dream, hence the other name for it being ‘dream sleep.’ However, it is still possible to dream in other stages of sleep, but they won’t be as vivid or ‘story-like.’  It is also referred to as a paradoxical sleep as the muscles are actually in a state of paralysis, but this is not as worrying as it sounds, as involuntary muscle movements such as breathing still occur, and the muscles are still supplied with oxygen and blood.

What happens to the body during REM sleep?

REM sleep is when we are most likely to dream, hence the other name for it being ‘dream sleep.’ However, it is still possible to dream in other stages of sleep, but they won’t be as vivid or ‘story-like.’  It is also referred to as a paradoxical sleep as the muscles are actually in a state of paralysis, but this is not as worrying as it sounds, as involuntary muscle movements such as breathing still occur, and the muscles are still supplied with oxygen and blood.