Home Sleep Products The best mattress for you based on your sleeping position

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26 April 2023

The best mattress for you based on your sleeping position

#hybrid mattress #sleeping positions #emma mattresses

We all have a preferred sleeping position, whether that’s sleeping on your back, on your side in a foetal position or on your front with your arms under your pillow. Each position you sleep in can determine your sleep quality, as certain positions are more beneficial to your physical health than others. 

At Sunrise by Emma, we can help you determine which mattress is the best fit for you, based on our recommendations for each sleeping position. Learn more about your sleep schedule and routine to help you awaken your best. Together we’ll explore the best tips and tricks on achieving better sleep and which mattresses can help you sleep better.

Types of mattresses and which one to choose

There are numerous types of mattresses with varying sizes, firmness and benefits. The popular choices tend to be spring mattresses, memory foam mattresses or a hybrid of both. 

Mattresses tend to be either soft, medium or hard and can vary depending on your preference. Choosing the wrong mattress firmness or type for your sleeping position can have detrimental effects on your sleep quality, as well as physical effects such as neck or back pain. 

Best mattress for sleeping on your side

A memory foam mattress, like our Emma Original Mattress, is a popular choice for side sleepers due to its supportive qualities. If you are a light sleeper who finds themselves waking up at the slightest noise, a mattress with springs maybe isn’t the best choice. 

The mattress firmness recommended for side sleepers is a soft mattress, as it can help keep pressure off your spine, which will help reduce any discomfort or back pain. Memory foam mattresses tend to support your body in all the right places, making them a versatile choice  for all sleeping positions. 

Best mattress for front sleepers

When you sleep, you need to make sure there’s no pressure on any part of your body that could make you wake up with stiff joints or pain. To awaken your best, it’s important to keep your spine aligned and your neck adequately supported.

For front sleepers, the recommended mattress is usually a medium-firm mattress, such as our Emma Premium Mattress. This mattress provides the right amount of support for your spine and the rest of your body. A medium-firm mattress has a bit of give, and can contour to your body as you settle into it. 

If you tend to wake up a lot during the night, a medium-firm mattress may be a good option, as it allows you to sleep comfortably and easily and fit with your allotted sleep schedule. Having as little disturbances as possible may help you to achieve your desired amount of sleep. 

A medium-firm mattress also offers support for all of your body, allowing you to have an undisturbed sleep and wake up every day feeling refreshed and well rested.. 

Best mattress for back sleepers

Back sleepers often need a firmer mattress, as a soft mattress would make you sink into it and ruin the alignment of your spine. A mattress with springs may be a good option here, to offer even more support without being uncomfortable. 

Firm mattresses have little give, meaning that you won’t sink into them as much as you would with a medium-firm or soft mattress. You’ll find you will also be able to move more freely and comfortably with a firm mattress. Those of us who stick to a sleep schedule may not necessarily need a specific mattress, as our sleep cycles tend to be more regular, and we tend to experience fewer sleep disturbances and waking problems than other types of sleepers.

Why not try the Emma Foam Pillow, for the ultimate support induced by the addition of our Emma Hybrid Mattress, which offers optimal support through a combination of foam and springs. 

What is the healthiest sleeping position?

According to WebMD, the foetal position is the most beneficial to sleep in, as it helps your spine maintain its natural alignment. Other recommended positions are side sleeping with your back as straight as possible, or sleeping on your back on a firmer mattress. 

However, sleeping on your back isn’t recommended for sleep apnea sufferers or those prone to snoring, as it can exacerbate both conditions.  

If you wake up and wonder why your neck is stiff or why your lower back hurts, then there could be  something wrong with your sleeping set up, such as having too many or too little pillows which can often lead to neck pain.

Whether that is a bad or worn out mattress, a sleeping position that is affecting your spine or body, or other bedroom environmental factors, such as air quality or lighting. It’s important to ensure you’re sleeping on the right size mattress as well. 

Improve your sleep routine with Sunrise by Emma

At Sunrise by Emma, we are your source for expert sleep tips and advice on how to awaken your best. If you’re looking for reviews on sleep products or general advice on sleep health and sleep wellness, look no further. 

Be sure to visit the Emma Sleep website for award-winning mattresses, beds, pillows, and other sleep accessories. 

Additionally, if you’re intrigued about the type of sleep category you best align with, why not check out our sleep chronotype quiz?

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How to look after your Emma Mattress cover

The mattress is one of the most used pieces of furniture in your house, so it is important to keep it in good condition for as long as possible. Mattress covers are essential for protecting your mattress against bacteria, bed bugs, dust, mites and all kinds of liquids, as they provide extra shielding. They are also very easy to remove, wash and reapply, which is much more convenient than washing your entire mattress.

How to look after your Emma Mattress cover

The mattress is one of the most used pieces of furniture in your house, so it is important to keep it in good condition for as long as possible. Mattress covers are essential for protecting your mattress against bacteria, bed bugs, dust, mites and all kinds of liquids, as they provide extra shielding. They are also very easy to remove, wash and reapply, which is much more convenient than washing your entire mattress.

How to choose a mattress for light sleepers

It is still not completely understood why someone may be a light sleeper. It can usually be whittled down to genetics, sleeping disorders, lifestyle choices or bedroom environment, and there are also rarer reasons why people may be light sleepers, like medical conditions. Any noise, movement, or even smell can wake light sleepers from a deep sleep and make it tough for them to fall back asleep.

How to choose a mattress for light sleepers

It is still not completely understood why someone may be a light sleeper. It can usually be whittled down to genetics, sleeping disorders, lifestyle choices or bedroom environment, and there are also rarer reasons why people may be light sleepers, like medical conditions. Any noise, movement, or even smell can wake light sleepers from a deep sleep and make it tough for them to fall back asleep.