Home Sleep Products The best anti-allergy sleep products

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24 April 2023

The best anti-allergy sleep products

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For those who suffer from allergies, getting a consistently good night’s sleep can be a challenge. Allergens in the bedroom can trigger symptoms such as sneezing, itching, or a blocked nose. This can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep during the night. 

As the pollen count increases throughout the year, so will allergies and reactions. During Spring and Summer, many people will begin to experience symptoms of hayfever and will want to tackle the issues of allergies impacting sleep.

Woman with flowers on hands

Thankfully, there are a number of sleep products available on the market that can alleviate symptoms and promote improved sleep. If you can’t sleep because of hayfever or other allergies, carry on reading to start waking up feeling your best

Air Purifier

One of the best products you can use to help to improve sleep that is being impacted by allergies is an air purifier. Air purifiers can help improve your sleep by improving the air in your bedroom, circulating clean air around the room. These can be especially beneficial for allergy and asthma sufferers because they remove almost all of the airborne particles from the room they're in. This includes dust and pollen.

We recommend the Blueair Blue Air Purifier 3210, as one of the best products available. Not only has this product won a number of awards, but it is also especially quiet, making it the perfect accompaniment for sleep. 

Hypoallergenic pillow

Hypoallergenic pillows are one way allergy sufferers can regain a good night’s sleep. Being made out of hypoallergenic materials, these pillows collect much less dust and dirt, making a worse home for dust mites. All of this means those suffering from allergies, especially ones which impact the respiratory system will benefit from these over traditional pillows.

The Emma Sleep Microfibre Pillow is our go-to hypoallergenic pillow. Not only are the materials used great for allergy sufferers because they don’t collect as much dust or pollen, but the pillow creates optimum neck support whilst being soft and comfortable for the best night's sleep. 

Anti-allergen vacuum cleaner

A good vacuum cleaner can help lessen the amount of household allergens in your home, such as dust and pollen. When these allergens in the bedroom have reduced, you should find symptoms of allergies alleviated and your sleep should increase in quality as a result. 

While giving your room a good clean should go some way to helping the issue, investing in a specialist vacuum cleaner can really help your symptoms. We recommend looking for anything with a good filter, such as HEPA. This helps keep particles that have been taken out of the atmosphere from escaping back into it.

Essential Oils

Essential oils can help improve your sleep as they are known to be a natural remedy against allergies, and they provide a pleasant and relaxing smell. Certain oils, such as Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Tea Tree oil have all been said to have anti-allergenic properties. In certain cases they can reduce inflammation and improve congestion. 

These oils can be used by diffusing them in the air, using them in the bath, applying them to your skin or spraying them around the room. Just make sure to check the label for the most effective way to use yours, and prepare to be relaxed with reduced allergy symptoms.

Anti-allergy mattress protector

An anti-allergy mattress topper or hypoallergenic mattress is another way to improve your sleep if you are suffering with allergies at night. Anti-allergy mattress protectors work by forming a barrier of tightly woven fabric to stop dust mites from gaining access. They also limit the amount of other materials, such as dust or skin particles from getting in, which in turn stops dust mites from wanting to enter in the first place.

We recommend the Emma Sleep anti allergy mattress protector. Not only does it protect you from dust and other allergens with AllergyShield technology, but it also boasts a 100% waterproof layer which protects it from unwanted spills or crumbs, things which all contribute to night-time allergens. 

Emma Sleep provides anti-allergy single mattresses all the way up to anti-allergy super king mattresses, so anyone can benefit from their qualities. The hypoallergenic mattress topper also boasts a breathable fabric, aiding sleep quality and is washable, helping again against night time allergy symptoms.

Can a mattress cause allergies?

Yes, there are a number of ways in which your mattress may be triggering your allergies. Mattresses harbour dust and dirt which can cause allergic reactions, especially if it is an old mattress without a mattress protector. In certain cases, mould can also grow on mattresses which can seriously impact respiratory health. 

This is why it is not only essential that you ensure your mattress is in good condition, but that it has a protector which you can frequently wash. No matter how well you look after your mattress, it will eventually need changing. You should change your mattress straight away if you think it is triggering your allergies and impacting your sleep. 

How to improve hayfever sleep

While the above products are some of the best ways to improve sleep quality that has been negatively impacted by hayfever, there are a few more tips that can also help.

  • Shower before bed. Showering before bed, or even just washing your face, should help to remove any pollen particles that could bother you throughout the night.

  • Take medication. We would recommend consulting with a healthcare professional about taking prescription medication or antihistamines for your allergies. Taking these in combination with good sleep habits can improve your sleep.

  • Have a regular sleep schedule. A regular sleep schedule is key to retaining good quality sleep with allergies. This means waking up and going to sleep at a regular time every night, so your circadian rhythm stays aligned.

    Keep your windows and doors closed before bed. While it may seem obvious to keep pollen out of your home, keeping windows shut during the summer months can be difficult. Despite this, it is always best to keep them shut in the evening. Pollen on your bedding is one of the worst ways to make allergies and your sleep quality worse.

Allergies can make sleeping difficult all year round, but it can be more difficult during the Spring, when pollen begins to release and hay fever may start to set in. This can sometimes combine with the clocks changing, so it’s even more important during Spring and Summer to retain a good sleep schedule. Discover how to adapt to the clocks going forward here.

Keep up to date with Sunrise by Emma

Make sure to check back on the Sunrise by Emma site for the best resources on sleep health and sleep wellness. We have the best sleep tips to help you wake up feeling your best

For those looking for even more products to improve their sleep quality, the Emma Sleep shop has award winning products including mattresses, pillows and beds. We supply the best products to maximise your rest, making you feel ready for the day. 

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