Home Sleep Products Best Emma Products for the Winter

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16 January 2023

Best Emma Products for the Winter

#best emma products

As we all know, winter can be a freezing and long season. So, it’s important to pay attention when it comes to clothing, accessories, and beddings to make sure that we’re keeping ourselves warm. It can be difficult to have that snug and comfortable night’s sleep nowadays, but a good night’s sleep is one of the essential parts of healthy living. If you’re on the lookout for sleep items to cuddle up on this cold season, here’s a list of Emma items that you can invest in which will provide the best comfort during the winter months.

Did we mention that they’re famous for pushing us to stay more at home and laying on our beds and sofas?

Emma Hug Weighted Blankets

Most people love the winter because of the cold weather and snow. But for those who suffer from winter blues, anxiety, or insomnia, it can be a nightmare. Emma weighted blankets are designed to help you sleep better, reduce anxiety, while keeping a steady and comfortable temperature.

Emma Hug Weighted Blankets provide warmth and comfort during the long winter evenings and can lead to overall improvements in people’s mood because its pressure increases the production of melatonin - the sleep signaling hormones. Weighted blankets have been actually used since the early 2000s as a therapeutic method to help with anxiety and insomnia. However, recent research has shown that not only does it aid with sleep but also with helping people suffering from depression, PTSD, and even autism spectrum disorders.

Nonetheless, Emma’s weighted blanket also has a cooling bamboo cover, making this product an excellent deal for those who want a relaxing feeling and premium touch, that ensures you will be able to awaken your best.

Emma Cloud Duvets

Emma Cloud Duvets are made using the finest microfibre available, making them ideal for keeping you cosy throughout the winter months. This premium-quality microfibre ensures a temperature-regulating effect, helping you be at the right temperature all night long.

As a result, Emma Cloud Duvets can help reduce the risk of overheating and sweating during the night. They also make you feel comfortable when it's cold outside, so you can easily fall asleep and wake up refreshed in the morning. Emma Cloud Duvets are available in a range of sizes from single to double and super king size, as they are meant to be really for everyone!

Emma Premium Microfibre Pillows

Winter is often a time for spending long hours indoors and feeling a sense of laziness and you may find yourself spending most of your time on the couch or in bed. If you want to be comfortable, you must ensure that your bed has all the right features, and the Emma Premium Microfibre Pillow is undoubtedly one of those!

This pillow is easy to clean and made from hypoallergenic materials, which benefits people who experience allergies during winter or due to dust mites.

But the benefits don’t stop there. As a matter of fact, during the winter, it’s common to be sick and have colds. Our muscles can then start to hurt, especially the neck, With its adjustable height and firmness, this pillow can help you sleep well.

Emma Flip Toppers

Is it too cold to sleep? Are you waking up with aches and pains? Do you want a better night's sleep for you and your partner? Then Emma’s flip toppers are just the thing for you. With our flip toppers, it is easy for everybody to find the perfect sleep as you can choose either firm or soft support. It represents our one-fits-all solution for extra comfort, thanks to the usable double sides!

Moreover, the foams used on the two different sides differ in breathability. This way, the flip toppers can be used during both the summer and winter seasons. They’re designed with the Airgocell foam that is more breathable and will keep you fresh during the summertime, whereas, the flip topper’s ZeroGravity foam can keep you warmer during the colder months.


While the hustle and bustle of the holiday season has just passed, Emma is still here to make sure you have everything you need for a beautiful winter's sleep. The cold doesn't stand a chance against our premium products.

More from Sunrise by Emma

While these Emma products are great for the cold winter months, they aren’t just for one weather climate; they are also suitable throughout other seasons too. Be sure to check out Emma UK to find products that will stand up to all weather conditions and keep you comfortable year-round.

If you’re also looking for more tips on how to sleep better during the changing seasons, Sunrise by Emma has got your back with our articles on sleep health and sleep wellness.

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Woman in Emma weighted blanket reading a book

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A rockynight's sleep can do a lot more than making us feel cranky and exhausted the next day, that’s why we care about your rest and your well-being. As one of the largest global brands focused on sleep, we at Emma know that sleep is one of the most vital factors in maintaining a healthy mind, although this is something many of us take for granted. So on World Mental Health Day 2022, Emma launched a sleep study in the UK to understand how the current socio-economic situation impacts sleep and mental health. While we don't know the exact causes of some mental conditions, many factors can trigger them, and one of those is a lack of sleep - which is why it's vital to take our sleep seriously and ensure that we're getting enough each night. In addition to its impact on our physical and psychological health, our research shows that not getting your proper amount of sleep can be linked with economic problems, both at an individual and societal level. In this article, we’re here to share some of the most significant results of our study.

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A rockynight's sleep can do a lot more than making us feel cranky and exhausted the next day, that’s why we care about your rest and your well-being. As one of the largest global brands focused on sleep, we at Emma know that sleep is one of the most vital factors in maintaining a healthy mind, although this is something many of us take for granted. So on World Mental Health Day 2022, Emma launched a sleep study in the UK to understand how the current socio-economic situation impacts sleep and mental health. While we don't know the exact causes of some mental conditions, many factors can trigger them, and one of those is a lack of sleep - which is why it's vital to take our sleep seriously and ensure that we're getting enough each night. In addition to its impact on our physical and psychological health, our research shows that not getting your proper amount of sleep can be linked with economic problems, both at an individual and societal level. In this article, we’re here to share some of the most significant results of our study.