Home Fact vs Fiction: Sleeping Myths Debunked

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4 October 2023

Fact vs Fiction: Sleeping Myths Debunked

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What's Real and What's Not? We're here to uncover the facts and debunk the myths about sleep. Let's dive into the truth behind our nightly rest. Join us on this journey as we navigate facts and fictions about sleep, guided by science, research, and the wisdom of sleep experts. So, whether you're a seasoned snoozer or someone in search of a more peaceful night's sleep, come along as we unveil the secrets of sleep. Prepare to be enlightened, surprised, and perhaps even inspired to make positive changes in your nightly routine.

Myth 1: Snoring is harmless 

Fact 1: Loud snoring can indicate sleep apnea 

Loud snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA occurs when throat muscles relax excessively during sleep, obstructing the airway and causing restricted airflow. This struggle to breathe often results in loud snoring, characterised by pauses followed by gasps or choking sounds as the person partially wakes to reopen the airway. While not all loud snorers have OSA, it's important to consider this possibility when coupled with other potential sleep apnea symptoms, like daytime sleepiness and morning headaches, and seek professional evaluation for diagnosis and treatment if needed.

Myth 2: Eating before bed always lead to weight gain 

Fact 2: It’s about how much you eat, not just when 

Unintentional weight gain from eating a lot can happen when you consistently consume more calories than your body needs, not a matter of what time or when you sleep. Factors like diet composition, a sedentary lifestyle, stress-related eating, and medical conditions can contribute to this. Maintaining a balanced diet and an active lifestyle can help manage your weight and overall health.

Myth 3: Power nap isn’t true 

Fact 3: Power naps can enhance productivity and creativity 

Power naps, typically lasting around 10-20 minutes, can significantly enhance productivity and creativity. These short breaks from the day's activities refresh the mind, improving alertness and concentration. They also help consolidate memories, making it easier to recall information and solve problems.

Myth 4: Eating before bed causes nightmares 

Fact 4: Food doesn’t directly case nightmares

Eating a substantial meal right before bedtime can potentially disrupt sleep, primarily due to the increased risk of indigestion and discomfort. However, it's crucial to clarify that there is no established direct connection between the specific foods you consume and the occurrence of nightmares during sleep. Nightmares can be influenced by various factors, including stress, anxiety, medications, and underlying psychological or emotional issues, but they are not solely caused by the type of food you eat before bed

Myth 5: Hitting the snooze button gives you extra rest 

Fact 5: Snooze alarms fragment sleep and reduce alertness 

When you press the snooze button, you typically fall back into a light sleep, which is often incomplete and not restorative. This constant interruption prevents your body from progressing through the deeper, more restful stages of sleep. Consequently, you wake up feeling groggier and less alert than if you had woken up at the initial alarm. The inconsistency in your sleep pattern caused by snoozing can lead to sleep inertia, a state of temporary cognitive impairment and disorientation upon waking, making it harder to start your day feeling refreshed and alert.

Myth 6: Exercising irregularly has no impact on sleep 

Fact 6: Consistent exercise habits promote better sleep patterns 

Regular physical activity helps regulate the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up at consistent times each day. Additionally, exercise can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are common contributors to sleep disturbances. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, exercise encourages the body to transition into restorative sleep phases more smoothly. 

Myth 7: You can train yourself to be a “Night Owl” or “Early Bird” 

Fact 7: Chronotype is largely genetic and can be hard to change 

Chronotype, or one's natural inclination toward being a morning person (morning chronotype) or night owl (evening chronotype), is largely influenced by genetics and can be challenging to change. Research has shown that genes play a significant role in determining an individual's internal biological clock, which governs sleep-wake patterns. Specific genes are associated with the regulation of circadian rhythms, including the PER2 and CLOCK genes. These genetic factors can make it challenging to shift one's natural chronotype, as they influence when the body naturally feels alert and drowsy.

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Find more sleep tips at Sunrise by Emma

If you’re on the lookout for tips on how to improve your sleep wellness or sleep health, look no further. We provide you with expert tips and advice on how to improve your relationship with sleep, and how to ensure you wake up well rested and ready for each day ahead. 

Be sure to browse the high-quality sleep products and accessories on the Emma Sleep site, and experience the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had.

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How AI Transforms Sleep Science

Sleep AI has the potential to assist individuals in achieving better sleep habits. It can offer advice on establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, and adjusting lifestyle factors that might be negatively affecting sleep. In the present day, AI and sleep are now merging in order to bring innovative sleep solutions to improving quality sleep, understanding sleep patterns, and enhancing overall wellbeing through curating sleep solutions. The aim of the emerging industry of AI and sleep is to improve sleep quality, gain better insights into sleep patterns, and ultimately boost the general well-being of a person.  

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Your Kid’s Sleep Habits Highly Affect Academic Performance

They say you can't learn while you sleep, but my dreams beg to differ! It’s time to turn you childrens’ Z’s into A’s. Optimizing sleep quality is essential for harnessing the benefits of sleep on learning. Consistent sleep patterns allow the brain to go through multiple sleep cycles, ensuring sufficient time for deep sleep. As sunny days gradually shift to autumn, this also means that vacations come to an end and it’s time to go back to school or the office. Whether it's students returning to their classrooms or professionals reentering the office environment, sleep plays a vital role in boosting long-term learning and knowledge retention.  

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Your Ultimate Checklist for the Cosiest Autumn

As the weather transitions to autumn and temperatures start to drop, adjusting your sleeping products can help you stay cozy and comfortable during your sleep. Get hands on sleeping products that match the autumn season that can help you create a comfortable and inviting sleep environment that promotes restful sleep during the cooler nights.