Home Christmas food comas and how to avoid them

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6 December 2022

Christmas food comas and how to avoid them

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For the majority of people, their favourite part of the Christmas season is to indulge in more food than usual without feeling guilty. Around the Christmas season, food is a cause for celebration as all the treats you can only get during Christmas become widely available once again. 

However, this increased food intake can take its toll on some people as food comas become more regular during the November and December months in the lead up to the biggest festivities of the year. 

Luckily, there are ways that you can try to avoid the dreaded food comas, and in this guide, we will provide you with important information on food comas and how you can avoid them this Christmas season.

Are food comas actually real?

There is often a misconception that food comas are not actually real, but they very much are! Also known as postprandial somnolence, a food coma is our body’s psychological response to overeating and typically makes you feel extremely fatigued. This is why it is normal for people to feel tired on Christmas day, after a large portion of roast turkey and pigs-in-blankets cover the plate.

Experts have identified several factors that may affect your energy level after eating, including hormones and neurotransmitter fluctuations, changes in blood flow to the brain, and inflammatory reactions.

How to avoid a food coma

While food comas tend to happen without you realising it, there are methods you can use to minimise the effects before they really take a toll on your body. If you take these suggestions, you may find yourself feeling less lethargic during the Christmas period. 

Try not to overeat

Christmas is the time of year when food consumption is at its peak, and overeating is a possibility. Overeating is the primary reason why you may find yourself trapped in a food coma, so it is important to manage how much food you eat. It is often said that the bigger the meal, the bigger the food coma will be, so if you have reasonable sized meals over the Christmas period, you should notice that the effects are nowhere near as severe. 

It’s important to note that everybody will be different in how big of a meal they can digest before they begin to feel fatigued, so it’s all about finding the perfect balance for you!

Cut down on carbs

Eating a large amount of carbohydrates in a meal can increase the chance of a food coma, which could be why Christmas dinner makes you sleepy as there is often more carbs on the plate than any other food group. That will especially be the case if you can’t get enough of those delicious roast potatoes!

If you eat more protein, fibre and vegetables with your Christmas dinner, it can actually help reduce the Christmas food coma effect.

Take your time eating

When eating your Christmas dinner, it can be a good idea to take your time. Eating food at a fast pace can tire you out and cause fatigue, so while you’re at the dinner table this year, try to take your time to enjoy it by cracking open some crackers and conversing with your family. Remember, it’s not a race to see who can finish first!

Avoid resting straight after eating

Sitting on the couch or lying down are the worst things you can do after a big meal. In fact, it is recommended that you don’t sleep until 2-3 hours after eating. Even a small amount of activity before going to sleep will help you use excess glucose, and in turn, lessen the chances of falling into a food coma. So, why not help clean and put away the Christmas dishes and make the best of a bad situation? 

Don’t drink too much alcohol

For the majority of people, Christmas festivities usually include drinking a large amount of alcohol. This, combined with eating a lot of food, will be sure to make you feel extra fatigued and increase the chances of falling into a food coma. If you are going to engage in drinking alcohol, it’s important to make sure you balance it out and stay hydrated by drinking more water, especially on Christmas Day.

Go for a walk

Christmas Day is often spent parked on the couch all day with your family. Whilst doing this is a bonding experience for the family, there are more proactive things you can do that will prevent you from feeling fatigued. Going for a walk with your family, especially after eating your Christmas dinner, will help you digest your food whilst still being able to share a Christmas bonding experience. It is a great way to help prevent the dreaded Christmas food coma.

Find more Christmas sleep tips with Sunrise by Emma!

Sunrise by Emma is sure to have you covered with all the tips and tricks for sleeping this Christmas season! You can find sleep-related articles on our website that offer tips and advice on sleep health and wellness. Head to the Emma site for sleep products that will aid your sleep over the festive period. 

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