Home Rise and Shine The best plants for your bedroom

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28 March 2023

The best plants for your bedroom

#plants in your bedroom

Including plants in your indoor decor may simply be an aesthetic bedroom decoration, perhaps inspired by seeing numerous interior design ideas and Instagram posts featuring plants galore. But, aside from looking pretty, plants can actually contribute to your health and the health of your bedroom environment. And, as spring approaches, the desire for indoor plants is all the more rife.

Ahead of International Plant Appreciation Day, coming this April, you’ll likely be on the search for indoor plants to liven up your living space or bedroom. Plants add a touch of nature and colour to your space. If this is the case, we’ve created this guide to discuss the reasons why you should incorporate plants into your bedroom decor. This includes the benefits they may possess, whether environmental or surrounding your health.

The effects of indoor plants on your bedroom environment

Certain indoor plants can not only help to brighten up your living space, but they can also offer some benefits to your overall bedroom environment. Not only can plants help to purify the air by absorbing CO2 and certain toxins, but they can also help to reduce stress and improve mood. 

Adding plants to your home can also add a sense of responsibility, as you need to keep them alive by watering them. This can help to clear your mind of any stresses and help you focus and distract yourself on different tasks. A study by the National Library of Medicine concluded that regularly interacting with indoor plants can help to soothe moods and invoke feelings of comfort.

It’s well known that several types of plants have a reputation for their soothing and calming properties, such as lavender, chamomile and rosemary, but what other health benefits do indoor plants offer you? 

Potential health effects of keeping plants in your bedroom

Aside from calming and soothing qualities, it’s thought that plants can also offer additional health benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving mood and wellbeing. Plants can also absorb toxins in the air, all of which contribute to a better quality of life. In turn, this can also have a positive effect on your mental health and can help to uplift your mood. They  leave you feeling happier and more productive in the long run. Being happier can then also allow you to experience a better quality of sleep.

There has been some debate recently about whether indoor plants can exacerbate allergies and asthma in sufferers. Fortunately, with spring approaching, and therefore allergies ramping up, indoor plants do not directly cause asthma symptoms or allergies if you’re  susceptible. We’d recommend being extra wary of the properties of certain plants you plan to introduce into your space, as some may be more allergenic than others. 

What plants are good for sleep?

Most plants you incorporate into your daily space have some form of benefit to the overall environment; however, there are certain species of plants that may offer more benefits than others. The best indoor plants for sleep include peace lilies, aloe vera, snake plants and spider plants, which all help to oxygenate the air around them. Make sure you do your research and are mindful of any pets you may have around, as certain plants can be toxic for them! 

Plants like lavender and chamomile are associated with anxiety relief and soothing properties, with many people choosing lavender plants for sleep or choosing to incorporate the plant into their nightly routine in the form of an essential oil or spray. The lavender plant itself is known for its sedative properties and its ability to calm and relieve pain.

However, it’s important not to rely solely on this plant to help you sleep, and actually excessive consumption or inhalation of essential oils like lavender can have negative effects in some people. 

Can plants affect your sleep?

The bottom line is that plants can have an effect on your sleep, albeit indirectly. The benefits they provide to the environment you sleep in, such as purifying and freshening the air and absorbing any potentially harmful substances could potentially affect your sleep quality. Lowering your stress and anxiety levels and improving your mood can help to encourage a better night’s sleep and soothe your mind, helping you drift off more easily. 

The plant we’d recommend stocking up on is Lavender, which has a reputation for the anti-anxiety and stress, anti-inflammatory and calming properties it boasts. Lavender can also help to regulate your breathing, improve your mood and lower adrenaline levels, all of which contribute to better sleep quality. Additionally, chamomile contains an antioxidant called apigenin, which affects the receptors in your brain that are responsible for promoting sleep and reducing insomnia. 

There are plants like lavender that are directly associated with sleep, and others that merely aid in promoting a relaxing atmosphere and bedroom environment. Environmental changes will likely affect your sleep quality. However, these effects may be different for some people, so it’s important not to rely on bedroom plants for better sleep. Adding plants to your normal routine as well as lifestyle changes can all help you on your way to improving your sleep health to awaken your best. 

More from Sunrise by Emma

With plants being a popular decor choice, not only for their natural and fresh appearance and ability to brighten up a room, but also for their benefits to your bedroom environment, check out the additional sleep-aiding products we love and recommend, like the Emma Sleep memory foam mattress. 

We’ve got you covered with our science-backed tips on how to improve your sleep health and wellness, how to improve your rise and shine routine and avoid early-morning grogginess.

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Why do we sleep talk?

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