Home Rise and Shine Improving intimacy and attachment with your sleeping partner

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14 February 2023

Improving intimacy and attachment with your sleeping partner

#sleep and relationships #intimacy with partner

Sleeping with your partner should be intimate and comforting, whether you’ve been together for years or in something new. However, for some people, sharing a bed isn’t so great and they would much prefer sleeping alone. Sharing covers, listening to snoring, and other factors can make sleep difficult and in the long run, reduce intimacy and attachment.

This will be even more important with Valentine's Day drawing closer, as it’s the time when you should be sharing the most intimacy with your partner. If you don’t enjoy sharing a bed, it can sometimes lead to detachment from your partner, which is unwanted in any relationship.

Here at Sunrise by Emma, we have created this guide to help you find ways to improve intimacy in bed with your sleeping partner.

Sleep and relationships

While the time you spend awake with your partner is by far the most important factor, the time you spend asleep is also crucial to improving how intimate you want to be with your other half. Here are some ways you can increase intimacy with your partner during bedtime.

Cuddle before sleeping

Oxytocin is very important for building and strengthening attachment within a relationship. Physical touch can significantly increase the release of this hormone. The flow of this is typically linked to a warm, happy feeling, and it has been shown to lower stress and anxiety. Cuddling before going to sleep can be a great way to achieve this feeling, whilst also increasing the connection between yourself and your partner.

Romantic movie nights

In the lead up to Valentine’s Day, couples will be feeling the love more than ever. There are a number of Valentine’s ideas that you can try to make you feel more attached to your partner, and improve intimacy. For example, why not combine the feeling of love during Valentine’s Day by having a romantic movie night before bedtime while wrapped up in the duvet? This will be sure to make you feel more intimate and lead to a great night's rest next to your sleeping partner. 

Mood lighting

Romantic lighting is a fantastic way to set the mood and create an environment that both you and your partner can enjoy. This can especially make a difference come Valentine’s Day, as colours such as red, pink, or purple can create a loving vibe and improve intimacy. Mood lighting can also make us feel warmer, causing us to feel more relaxed, which can significantly improve our mood and ability to sleep. The Sky Lite Projector by BlissLights is perfect for unwinding and relaxing by transforming your room with a soothing skyscape of stars and nebula clouds.  

Physical touch without cuddling

Cuddling during sleep isn’t for every couple, so you might want to consider alternatives. Back-to-back sleeping with your backs touching can still give you both enough physical touch to release oxytocin while still giving you both the freedom you need. You can also sleep face-to-face with your hands or feet touching to get a similar effect.

Furthermore, sexual intercourse before sleep will have a significant impact on how intimate you are with your sleeping partner. It can also make you feel more attached to your partner. Having sex before sleeping will also induce pleasant and relaxing feelings that will help you sleep better as a result.

Don’t hog the duvet

It's easy to pull the duvet off your partner while sleeping without realising it, but it's one of the biggest pet peeves of sharing a bed. If you want to maintain a healthy relationship, it’s important to show care towards your partner, no matter how small the gesture may be. This may be especially important when Valentine’s Day rolls around. Every little act of kindness you show can significantly increase how intimate your sleeping partner feels towards you.

If you are a frequent duvet tugger, you can even purchase a separate duvet to avoid the terrors of duvet tugging. The Emma 4-Season Duvet is the perfect purchase to satisfy your needs.

Go to bed at the same time

Going to bed at the same time as your partner has a number of benefits, such as building a deeper emotional and intimate connection. This is because it increases the chances of pillow talk, cuddling, and sexual intercourse. It can also improve your sleep overall, as it helps regulate your body temperature during the night, which can lead to improved REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep.

Improving sleep intimacy and more with Sunrise by Emma

Having a strong intimate relationship with your sleeping partner can be vital to balancing sleep and love. Sunrise by Emma is here to give you all of the solutions to your sleeping partner problems and more! You can find sleep-related articles on our website that offer tips and advice on sleep health and wellness.

Visit our Emma Sleep store today to browse our collection of quality, science-backed sleep products. They will be sure to give you the best sleep possible, every night!

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What should your bedtime routine be?

Sleep is a natural cycle which our body and mind should be able to do with ease, however, according to recent studies, 36% of adults struggle to get to sleep on a weekly basis and almost 1 in 5 have trouble falling asleep every single night. 1 This is why, here at Sleep Science by Emma, we’re passionate about helping you get a better night’s sleep, as it’s one of the most important aspects of your health and well-being. Establishing a good bedtime routine for adults is a simple task and once you get into this routine, your brain will shortly understand when it’s time to go to sleep.  

What should your bedtime routine be?

Sleep is a natural cycle which our body and mind should be able to do with ease, however, according to recent studies, 36% of adults struggle to get to sleep on a weekly basis and almost 1 in 5 have trouble falling asleep every single night. 1 This is why, here at Sleep Science by Emma, we’re passionate about helping you get a better night’s sleep, as it’s one of the most important aspects of your health and well-being. Establishing a good bedtime routine for adults is a simple task and once you get into this routine, your brain will shortly understand when it’s time to go to sleep.  

How to make the best out of sharing a bed with someone

While it might seem normal to begin sharing a bed with a partner when a relationship begins to get serious, it can be a big adjustment to your sleep routine and, at first instance, two people may not be compatible to sleep next to each other. Couples haven’t always shared beds - from the mid 1800s to the 1950s, it was regarded as unhealthy even for married couples to share a bed.  Since then, things have changed and most adult couples will share a bed when they live together or on days where they spend time together, but there are different benefits and disadvantages to sleeping in bed with a partner. Sleep is so important for our well-being, mental health and productivity throughout the day. Because everyone is different and many of us will have our own sleep habits and routines, we may need to make adjustments to make the best out of sharing a bed with someone.

How to make the best out of sharing a bed with someone

While it might seem normal to begin sharing a bed with a partner when a relationship begins to get serious, it can be a big adjustment to your sleep routine and, at first instance, two people may not be compatible to sleep next to each other. Couples haven’t always shared beds - from the mid 1800s to the 1950s, it was regarded as unhealthy even for married couples to share a bed.  Since then, things have changed and most adult couples will share a bed when they live together or on days where they spend time together, but there are different benefits and disadvantages to sleeping in bed with a partner. Sleep is so important for our well-being, mental health and productivity throughout the day. Because everyone is different and many of us will have our own sleep habits and routines, we may need to make adjustments to make the best out of sharing a bed with someone.

Chronotypes: What are they and how to determine your Chronotype

The inherent predisposition of your body to feel sleepy at a specific hour, or what most people refer to as being a morning lark or a night owl, is known as Chronotype. Your Chronotype affects nutrition, exertion, and core body temperature, in addition to regulating sleep and wake periods. It is the cause of you feeling more alert at certain times of the day and sleepier at others. Chronotype is a concept that represents the subjective timing of experiencing energy and fatigue peaks during the day.And, it is the aftereffect of the individual difference in timing of the body clock related to the day (I.e., the frequency and periodicity of hormone production, blood pressure changes, body temperature dips and trough, among many others).

Chronotypes: What are they and how to determine your Chronotype

The inherent predisposition of your body to feel sleepy at a specific hour, or what most people refer to as being a morning lark or a night owl, is known as Chronotype. Your Chronotype affects nutrition, exertion, and core body temperature, in addition to regulating sleep and wake periods. It is the cause of you feeling more alert at certain times of the day and sleepier at others. Chronotype is a concept that represents the subjective timing of experiencing energy and fatigue peaks during the day.And, it is the aftereffect of the individual difference in timing of the body clock related to the day (I.e., the frequency and periodicity of hormone production, blood pressure changes, body temperature dips and trough, among many others).

Sex positions that can help you sleep better

There is often a link between our sex lives and how we sleep and with Valentine's Day around the corner, it's a great time to think about our sex lives. During this month, many of us will be having more sex as we go on dates and explore our connections. After all, sharing a bed with a partner to sleep is one of the best ways we can bond with them. But could there be a direct link between sex positions and better sleep? Here at Sunrise, we took steps in researching this question so you could find some must-try sex positions to help you and your partner sleep somewhat better.

Sex positions that can help you sleep better

There is often a link between our sex lives and how we sleep and with Valentine's Day around the corner, it's a great time to think about our sex lives. During this month, many of us will be having more sex as we go on dates and explore our connections. After all, sharing a bed with a partner to sleep is one of the best ways we can bond with them. But could there be a direct link between sex positions and better sleep? Here at Sunrise, we took steps in researching this question so you could find some must-try sex positions to help you and your partner sleep somewhat better.